Thursday, August 23, 2007


Chick-fil-A is doing it again. Submit here and get a free sandwich and a coke! Oh yum.... of course, being 23 wks pregnant eating at Chick-fil-a always gives me a bad headache and horrible swelling! Not sure why, but it does in my second and third trimesters. Is it worth it to eat there you ask? I think so until the aftermath. But hey, why not you eat there yourself!!! :)


Anonymous said...

tell me more about explode the code...what subject, have you used it before? we didn't like math-u-see so much. singapore actually has more hands-on activities, incorporates things the kids already play with, and has the cutest eye-catching pictures that get my kiddos excited. i looked at the pictures of your curriculum and would love to see a break-down of all of it, what you've used before, what you liked and didn't like...

my oldest boy will 6 on sept. 12, my next boy turned 4 in april, my girl turned 2 in april and my youngest boy was born in march.

i love the praying one! my girl is very much like that. a talker about everything including the praying!

Laura said...

Thank you!!! I LOVE Chick-Fil-A!