Friday, August 03, 2007


Here are my laundry helpers in action ... and your ears will thank me for no sound! What sounds? Oh the high pitch tone of Smiley as he wants to do it HIMSELF! Or the "dont' wan't to" tone of a son ... notice no picture of him? It is a struggle every week but he does it and I am thankful for that!

Smiley helping me unload the washer.

Little Mama taking her basket upstairs. Actually in truth, it is her and Smiley clothes. Peacock usually carries it and put Smiley's clothes away. But every so often she wants to carry the basket!

Peacock getting Smiley to help carry a load.

Smiley showing that he can do it himself, thank you!

Oh I love these baskets. I got the idea from my MOMYS group and it works wonderfully! Easy for them to carry and put back!


Sarah said...

Good helpers!!! If it hadn't been naptime when we got home today, I would seriously have called Joshua and Caleb over to help bring in my groceries, in exchange for a bowl of ice cream... maybe next time!:)

Kim said...

How Precious is that !! Little helpers having fun and helping each other! I enjoyed looking at the kids helping around the house. Little Mama's hair is so pretty and so is her toe nails. =] Smiley is getting so big!!

Emily said...

Great are doing such a good job training them to help! It must be tempting to just do it much quicker and minus the protests! But what valuable lessons. I will try to remember the kid-sized laundry baskets for future reference!

By the way, how are you feeling these days?