Sunday, October 01, 2006


This is what happens when
A. Mommy gives her children markers.
B. Mommy puts the sister between two older brothers
C. Mommy leaves them to go get dressed for church

The picture does not even show all that there was... let me just say that she has pink streaks in her hair, marker on front and back of her whole body from head to toe. My hand even turned pink when washing her off. The carpet got a pink spot as well. The boys admitted to coloring their little sister! At least they were honest!
I will say I laughed at this... and took the markers away for a week.


Audrey said...

To Funny! Yep been there! And might I add that washable marker is not really as washable as they claim it to be.

I'm catching up on my computer reading this morning. Been off all week trying to get stuff done around the house.

I always enjoy reading your entries.

rcsnickers said...

Glad to hear you are okay. I always worry something is wrong! Hey, when are meeting your fellow state MOMYS?

You are right, even after three baths she still has marker spots on her. Better her than the walls that I recently cleaned! They had two year old crayon marks on them.... as in had not washed my walls in two years!

Love them anyway...

Anonymous said...

Wow-glad you could laugh about it-not sure if I could have--and right after a bath? Guess that's what I have to look forward to when Ella gets siblings. :-)

rcsnickers said...

Like I said "better her than the walls." If they had colored on the walls, then I would of been of different mommy in my response! oh boy....
