We are cooling off via the water hose.

They kids turned the couches into tents.

Peacock, HooDoo, and I are reading "The Fellowship of the Ring: Being the First Part of The Lord of the Ring." I loved the movie. I never thought I would read the over 1000 page book. I mean, come on that is crazy. Peacock has been wanting to read the book for years and he is finally doing. We are loving the book!!! I bought the comp guide from Veritas Press. It has questions from each chapter. A game to go with a chapter or two. Filled with activities. Totally worth it! Amazing how boys and homeschool can change a person's view.

We are truly enjoying our daily walks picking wild blackberries and american plums. You know you have picked too many blackberries when you start picking blackberries in your dreams.

Our very own Joan of Arc batteling against Savage.

A combined video of My Doll walking and a battle. Error is not allowing me to upload. Will publish later.