Saturday, August 04, 2007


Check your state. Our state is having a tax exempt weekend for school supplies! I thought, hey, the kids are spending the night with Grandma. I will pick up our school supplies when I go to get them. Not getting alot, but tax free sounds good! Right? Well guess what? Only certain counties have agreed to do this. When I got to my Mom's and was looking at the receipt I noticed it had 4% tax on the items. Would figure I go the one county that does not have the tax exempt agreement! I mean I only paid $.31 in tax but still I hate it when I go somewhere only to find out it is not included in the deal. Bummer.... but it was fun to pick up our paper, binders, glue sticks, coloring book for Little Mama, even the Uno game was included as a school supply. I figure it will make a fun game learning colors and numbers. We can make up new rules to fit the younger ones who cannot hold 7 plus cards at a time!

So check with your state. It is this weekend for our state and I read that TN is also starting this year this weekend for their tax exempt school items... clothes, books, computers, supplies, etc! Could save a lot of money for families needing new clothes. Even people withour grade school children can get the tax free items.

Go shopping ladies....


Sarah said...

Yeah, and diapers were included too... go figure. They were listed as "clothing".

rcsnickers said...

Diapers? Are you kidding? I guess day care is considered "school!"
