Thursday, November 30, 2006


I want to say that I am very thankful for the opportunity and privilege to homeschool! I know it is really easy right now and hard days or trying days will come.. that is part of life and parenting BUT I am really loving it right now! I cannot imagine sending Peacock off to school for 8 hours a day and not making these memories with him.

I love how we can adapt our schooling to our plans... family visiting it is okay to take a day off to go to the park or art day with Grammy! Daddy surprises us by coming home from work early -- more time to play with Daddy! Finish our work early in the week and go to the library on Friday picnic with Grandma for lunch! I love it!

My only homeschooling problem so far... those wonderful curriculum catalogs are coming in my mailbox AGAIN and I want it all!!! Thanks Audrey for sharing Lakeshore Learning where I want a tons of stuff from now as well!!! Hey, they even have the folding cart I have been looking for! I must buy it for our library visits!

One thing for sure, "I will order and decide on curriculum before Aug 1st!" Says the procrastinator me...


Audrey said...

I'm always eager to help LOL
If it makes you feel any better, for me at least, the glamour of the curriculumn catalogs wore off after about 2 years. I guess by then I knew what was going to work for us and what just wasnt. I hardly ever look at them anymore...except for Lakeshore ;-)

Have you looked at the HOW website? It is unit study based BUT completely biblical and with structure, where alot of units leave the planning up to you. I love it! Its inexpensive as well. $15 for each unit. I did a post about what we use earlier in the year, I will repost gives the 4 year outline of the HOW system, as well as the other things we use.

rcsnickers said...

Oh yeah, I remember reading about that. I am not sure if I went to their site. I will have to try and see if it looks familar. Thanks.
