Saturday, October 21, 2006


Since blogger actually let me post Smiley's picture, only after what 4 days of trying? I am going to attempt to post another. UPDATE on Smiley,one tooth was not enough. His second bottom tooth is about to break through his gum... boo hoo! Now is the fun part of no biting while eating...

We are planning to do another yard sale but also sell a lot of crafts and goodies! I am going to do some craft items with pinecones. Well I happen to come across Make Stuff that has a page full of neat craft ideas or food ideas. I saw the Hot Dog Octopus and gave it a try today! The boys loved it. They ate pretending they were sharks eating the octopus. Then HooDoo took a drink of his fruit punch and said it was his blood! Yuck but boys like yucky stuff. So give it a try and your boys will have fun! It made a boring old hot dog lunch more enjoyable! Plus, the strips are thin and easy for them to eat. No worry of choking!


Audrey said...

Very cute! will have to give it a try.

Laura said...

cute idea-Family Fun magazine (they have a website) has lots of ideas like this. You should look them up.

Sarah said...

Maybe I could get Eliana to eat that way... ketchup could the the octopus ink! Surrounded by a cheese puff coral reef! lol:)