Saturday, August 26, 2006


I finally started a quilt for Little Mama. My Mom took the kids to her house this morning, Trevor slept and I got to start the quilt. When the kids returned Peacock saw all my cut material and thread on the floor and said "Oh Mommy,look at the mess you made!" He then started to clean it up for me! I told him I appreciated his offer to clean up my mess, but I would be adding more to the mess later.

The brown/green quilt to the side is the unfinished quilt for Peacock! Half is quilted still need to quilt the rest! I started that quilt oh two years ago...

I could not decide if I wanted to go pink yellow pink yellow hearts or the four hearts connected. I laid them out to see which I liked. I did pick one. I will show the finished quilt hopefully in a day or two! Which do you guys like?

As of tonight, all I have left to do is the border!


Leigh said...

I like the groups of hearts, but they are both beautiful. You are so talented! We miss you guys.

Erin said...

i like the botton one!