Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Here is our new year in the works.

Peacock (P) 4th grade
HooDoo (H) 3rd grade
Little Mama (LM) 1st grade
Smiley (S) Preschool

Christ and His Word (all)
Rod and Staff Building Wisely English
All About Spelling (P & H)
Handwriting Without Tears (all)
Phonics Pathway (LM) currently half way through
Math-U-See (all)
Exploring Creation series... currently Astronomy (all)
Mystery of History when we finish Astronomy in Oct. (all)
Building Thinking Skills Level 2 (P & H)
Can You Find Me? Thinking Skills (LM & S)
Get Ready for the Code Books B and C (S)
Latin Primera (P & H)

Math -- previously we used Singapore. Though a good program, I found it did not have enough review work, daily drills and such. We switched to Rod and Staff at the middle of last year for Peacock. Cheap and okay. But... when I first started looking into math curriculum at the start, I was highly impressed with Math-U-See. It made me see! So, I went ahead, paid the price and got it. My kids love watching his video! We are back to loving math now!

Science -- I cannot say enough how much I LOVE the Exploring Creation series!!!! Personally, it is a fun easy read. Great projects. I cannot wait to start Human Anatomy next. The kids REALLY REALLY love it!

Spelling: We used Spelling Power because I got it cheap and well everyone excels with it! I like that! High reviews mean my children will be smarter than smart, right? uh no! It confused Peacock more than anything! Absolute pain! So somehow I found or was introduced to All About Spelling. Works for us!

As for latin.... I need help! What have you used? What did you like? I like Word Roots which is latin and greek. I don't want to just learn vocabulary. I want to be able to identify root words in english words and know the meaning based on the latin root word. I love The Latin Road but $200??? OUCH

I love watching the older children help the younger one.

Do you see a recurring theme in the pictures? We school every where. The bed, the porch, the floor, the table, anywhere we are at the time!

Here is a good funny story. The other day HooDoo and I were sitting on the porch rocking chair doing his English. Little Mama finished her work and caught a frog. She brought it to show us. HooDoo asked to hold it and it peed on his school work! Thankfully he was actually at the end of his lesson assignment. We had a great laugh!

Our verse for the year.
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15

1 comment:

Big Bickercat said...
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