Wednesday, February 24, 2010


On Feb 10th Chaser gave birth to 7 puppies!!!! Daniel went to warm up his car at 4am and heard her. I ran out to check and sure enough sge had them! I pulled back the wet blanket that was in the dog house and found one dead puppy! Sad but it hapens. It was 20 degress that night and not going to get much warmer that day! I went out not much longer to cgeck and sure enough two more were dead! I was sad... the kids were really sad! In desperation I brought the dog house into the little old section of our house. There I changed out clean sheets periodically. Chaser contently stayed in the dog house. I also carried her ouside for potty breaks! Would you believe later in the afternoon I found a fourth puppy? Now there were no signs of her having the puppy after I brought her inside! We conbsider that puppy a miracle puupy. After the sadness of losing three it was a joyful moment to find another!!!!

Later I found Smiley sound asleep!! All the excitement wore him out!

Here are the four puppies one week old! They are fat butterballs for sure!! She had two girls and two boys.

Cute huh? Don't you just want one?????

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