Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Today is Daniel's 32nd birthday! Another year older and another year wiser... so they say! Daniel is not big on birthdays... cake is too much sugar, he doesn't need anything, etc. But hey, it is a fun day and a day to be thankful.

Little Mama slept with us last night and she sang "Happy Birthday To You" for him and even pretended to blow out candles. Can't sing the song without blowing. It was funny.

Thank you God for blessing Mom and Dad with Daniel. Thank you Mom and Dad for having a son, raising him in God's word, raising him in love, kissing his hurts, shaping his heart, leading him to Christ.

Thank you Daniel for following Christ, leading our family, being a hard worker, allowing me to stay home with the children, loving us, caring for us, providing for us, playing with us, being with us.

Taken when he was 16yo. He and Dad went on a backpacking trip in the Smokey Mts. What a cutie, huh? Wish I knew him back in those days!


Audrey said...

Happy Birthday Daniel! Hope you have a wonderful day...although how can you top Happy B-day from your precious little girl first thing in the morning....all else would pale in comparison.

Kim said...

Daniels bag looks like it weights more than him! lol