Monday, August 21, 2006


I woke Peacock up at 7am this morning. He asked if it was Monday. I said yes. He said "so we are going to do school today?" I said "yes." Peacock very excitedly said "WOO HOO!!" Truly, he said woo hoo. I did not know he even knew the term woo hoo!

While I made breakfast he set the table up in the living room with the small rocking chair for him to sit in. I asked what he was doing and he said he was setting up class. He put my books on the island and said "you can stand here since you are the teacher and I will sit over here!" I thought it was cute. I ended up sitting on the couch next to his little table he set up. HooDoo got a chair and participated with us -- Thanks Grammy for his book.

Well we started school this morning. Not bad, I wanted to start at 8 and we started at 8:20am! I wanted to put the load of clothes away BEFORE we started school. Otherwise, we would of started on time! I figured we would take small goldfish breaks between lessons. He did not want to stop. He wanted to keep going. We took a small break anyway. We zipped right through the lesson and ended up doing part of lesson 2. It was easy for him.

During math we talked about circles. Since we were finished with our lesson we made a circle and played ring-a-round-the-rosey. Little Mama absolutely loved it! After several rounds of that HooDoo got out Connect four because they are red and black circles -- good thinking HooDoo! So we played a few rounds of that game. Kinda funny how the kids added to our lesson play for educational purposes without even realizing it.

For lunch I made sandwiches -- nothing new there. When I bought school supplies Peacock wanted a lunch box. I never found the classic metal lunch boxes but bought a batman for him and spiderman lunch bag for HooDoo. My Mom found a pink one for Little Mama. I made lunch and put it in their bags. Peacock then said "how can we walk and carry our lunch? We are only eating in the kitchen.. that is not far to walk." He sees the kids where my Mom works and knows they walk from their classroom to the cafeteria. So I had them line up at the door and we walked around the house and onto the porch where I laid out a blanket for us to have picnic lunch outside -- very nice weather today! It was fun. Peacock keeps asking if we are still doing school.

Oh yeah-- the bible verse for the lesson was Eph 4:19 "Be ye kind." that was all to the verse. When I mentioned the verse Peacock said the WHOLE verse from memeory. Thanks to "ABC Bible Verse" book by Susan Hunt.

It was a fun day. Little Mama enjoyed the markers and Smiley ended up taking a small nap which was nice. I hope Peacock realizes how fortunate he is to be homeschooled and not have to leave his Mommy and siblings to go to school all day! I know I would miss him....


Audrey said...

Sounds like you had a fun day. That early excitment of school and learning is so fun. My 5 year old is that way this year. Im afraid that (my kids at least) start to get that "aww school" attitude around 9.

rcsnickers said...

Yes,Audrey,I am afraid he will get that "aww school" attitude by next month! I hope not...
